God Calls Us

God calls us. Why would anyone would choose eternal separation from God over eternal glory with God, particularly when the only requirement for the latter is to place one’s faith in Jesus Christ? The answer brings us back to Adam and Eve’s first need after they sinned, and our first need as their spiritual children, who come into this world spiritually dead. When Adam and Eve sinned they lost fellowship with God and hid from Him. They needed Him to seek them out and draw them back. Because of their new fallen nature and dead spirits they would have never…

God has Come to Our Rescue

God has come to our rescue. Consider the significance of the condition in which we come into this world, not only bearing Adam’s guilt but also spiritually dead and with a sin nature. We’re not only unable to relate to God spiritually, but also, because of our sin nature, reject God and constantly seek after evil. Like Adam and Eve, our natural inclination is to hide from God and go our own way, relying on ourselves. Our focus is on ourselves, and we are driven by greed, lust, pride, and selfishness. Since we come into the world in the same…

Satan’s Human Helpers

Satan’s Human Helpers The Christian can’t understand the nature of evil or the proper response to it without knowing and accepting the Bible’s teaching regarding Satan and his demons. Paradoxically, though all this is critical information in order to avoid confusion and error about Satan and his activity, it all occurs in the unseen world. We’ll never knowingly converse with a demon or recongnize demon possesion with certainty. Though we will come under Satanic attack, we won’t likely know with certainty, as the Apostle Paul knew in at least some cases, when that occurs. That’s not always the case when…

Satan Holds the Lost Captive

Another method Satan uses to advance his kingdom is to hold the lost captive. He uses a two-part approach. First, he keeps the lost from coming to faith, and second, he moves them to do his bidding. From a practical standpoint, a Christian’s need to be aware that Satan holds the lost captive is perhaps second only to his need to understand that Satan is the god of this world and the father of lies. Unless we understand that Satan holds the lost captive, we’ll be confounded and overly frustrated by the spiritual darkness around us. We’ll wonder why the…

Satan’s Position

Satan is the leader of all fallen angels and the lost We’ve seen that Satan the person is a fallen angel. He was created holy but fell from grace due to the sin of pride. He wanted to be like God. His first recorded act following the creation of the world was to deceive Eve in the Garden of Evil, resulting in tearing apart the perfect fellowship between Adam and Eve and God. That single deception, resulting in the fall of man, and its attendant separation of natural man from God, has been the cause of all suffering, heartache, and…