Men & Women are the Same

Men and Women are the same.

So far we’ve seen three false laws based on the template that men and women are of equal value: Men are worth more than women, women are worth more than men, and androgynes are worth more than men or women.

Satan doesn’t end at that. He makes another false law by deceptively conflating “equal value” with sameness or equal in all ways. “Men and women are of equal value” becomes “Men and women are the same.” I’ve already mentioned this lie as a technique Satan uses to discredit the differentiation of authority and roles in marriage. He also uses it to great advantage in the culture at large.

It’s this lie that feminism used to rapidly convince society to deny the obvious, that males and females are different. That it conflicts with the feminist notion that men are inferior to women, evil beyond reform, isn’t an issue for them. They’re comfortable with contradictions as long as God is consistently rejected.

The successful promotion of the lie that men and women are the same is an example of Satan advancing his kingdom by cleverly playing one of his false laws against another.1 In this case the foil is the false law that men are worth more than women.

Women have suffered under that false law for thousands of years. It’s right to resist it with the truths that God values both genders equally and women are only called to submit to the authority of men within the narrow confines of marriage and the local church.

The Bible neither prohibits women from having authority over men outside of marriage and the local church nor condones the unjust treatment of any person for any reason. Accordingly, in the public realm women should have the same opportunities as men, receive equal respect, and get equal pay for equal work. The proper argument for such equal treatment is that anything that treats women as less valuable than men is contrary to God’s law.

Instead, the false argument has been advanced that women should be treated the same as men because there’s no difference between genders. That there’s no difference between genders is such an obvious lie that at first its proponents at least acknowledged that sexual organs were gender related. Their contention however, was that the sexual differences weren’t sufficient to detract from the sameness of males and females.2 They discounted any emotional differences between males and females as reflecting culturally driven stereotypes–boys played with toy trucks and girls with dolls because that’s what their parents gave them.

Having success with that argument, radical feminists moved further into the absurd. They advanced the argument that “sexual identity has no fixed meaning and that anyone can shape his or her sexual identity any way he or she chooses.”3 The idea is that sexual identity is a matter of personal choice–like clothes, it can be changed at will. If a male “identifies,” with the female gender, than that’s what he is, despite his genetic maleness.4 If he feels differently later on he can identify with maleness and become a male again, or stop in the middle at the androgynous pagan ideal. God created male and female. Man declares there is no such thing as a male or female, that gender is a sliding scale between maleness and femaleness.

Satan’s goal here is to deconstuct what it means to be human, made in the likeness of God. It’s also the final step in the deconstruction of marriage and the family. With humanity deconstructed, the idea of marriage and family becomes an anacronism.

There is no need for marriage when we are all the same, containng both female and male genders, with no differentiation in roles or authority. The terms husband and wife become meaningless. Likewise the concepts of mother and father, parent and child, and family itself become meaningless.

We see Satan sucessfully expanding the false law of sameness from gender to all aspects of society. The idea is that since all are the same in all ways, there’s no legitimate reason for one to have authority over another. This dovetails nicely with the deconsturction of the family and humanity. For instance, it’s the basis for the assertion that parental control is a violation of children’s rights and independence. Instead children become the property of the state.

It’s what fed the university student revolts in the 1960’s and continues to feed the breakdown of authority in our schools at all levels. Students are to be considered equal partners with the institutions and teachers regarding all aspects of education. And it’s what feeds the condemnation of the employer-employee relationship as a violation of the employees rights to be considered equal partners in the business.

Satan capitalizes on the chaos that results from such godlessness by expanding the power of the state over its citizens under the guise of establishing order and knowing what’s best. We see this in America as individual freedoms are increasingly being ceded to the state.

Any Christian doubting Satan’s power or focused attack on marriage and the recognition that man is made in the image of God need look no further than his recent activity and successes on those fronts.

We see the priority of the attack, equalled only by the promotion of abortion, in the relentless cultural focus on the re-definition and diminishing of marriage, the rejection of God defined roles and authority, and the promotion of sexual immorality and gender confusion.

In a few short years Satan has sucessfully advanced both a false definition of marriage and the notion that practicing homosexuality and transsexuality should be celebreated and affirmed. Same sex marriage, homosexual and transsexual rights are widely regarded as among the greatest and most important civil right’s issues of our time. Outcry against the atrocities of Radical Islam, including the murder of homosexuals, pales by comparison.

Under intense propaganda from the press and others, the public at large, including many Christians, have bought into the lies. Gay Pride parades are attended by many heterosexuals who believe they are supporting a great and important cause. Likewise transexualism has become something to be celebrated, promoted, and affirmed.

The widespread celebration of the Supreme Court travesty attempting to redefine marriage reveals many believe a great wrong has been righted, but the radical lost consider it only the beginning of their push to deconstruct marriage and humanity. Even before the Surpreme Court acted they had begun the next step, to use civil courts and the power of the state to force all to affirm, not just accept, homosexuality and same sex marriages.

Satan’s successes attest to his genius and ability to advance his kingdom using the most specious of arguments. The impression is given that all around us we have homosexual and transgendered individuals suffering from discrimination and only desiring to have rights equal to their heterosexual neighbors.

In fact, the percentage of homosexuals in America is much smaller than most assume, around 5%. Typically, practicing homosexuality, particularly among men, is associated with promiscuity. Few are interested in a monogomous relationship analogous to marriage. Estimates of the incidence of transexualism ranges from 1 in 500 to 1 in 10,000.

The entire homosexual marriage theme is a ruse. Very few will be affected, and fewer still will hold “marriage” as a sanctified relationship. It’s a matter of the tail wagging the dog.

The attempted redefinition of marriage isn’t for those few homosexuals who might wish join in something like marriage. It’s because the destruction of marriage is of the highest priority to Satan. That’s because because marriage, authority, and sexuality are all interrelated and profoundly spiritually significant. They’re reflective of who we are, who God is, and our relationship to him. Satan knows that wreaking havoc in these areas has far reaching destructive ripple effects, not only keeping the lost from God but also destroying the fellowship between God and his children.

Remember that when you hear the lost’s common complaint that Christian bigots won’t mind their own business, that they intolerantly focus on who marries who and what others do in their own bedrooms. In fact, it’s the lost who are intensely focused on destroying marriage and promoting sexual immorality and perversion.

We know why. Part of the focus is as a means to legitimize lust and rationalize away sin as normal righteous behavior. But at its heart it’s a replay of Satan’s original deceit in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit their relationship to God and to each other was ripped apart. Satan has the same desire for us.

  1. Since false moral laws are incoherent, irrational, and often contradictory, Satan can mix and match them as he chooses. This often includes playing one against the other. For instance, this is one of the ways Satan uses the many false worldviews to his advantage.
  2. A Satanic perversion of the truth that all are created in the image of God
  3. Daniel R Heimbach, “The Unchangeable Difference: Eternally Fixed Sexual Identity for an Age of Plastic Sexuality,” in Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood, ed. Wayne A Grudem, Foundation for the Family Series (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2002), 274–289. 274
  4. This is an ironic and strikingly contradiction to the claims of secular humanists that they are scientific realists whereas Christians are science deniers. However it does fit well with the postmodern position that there is no absolute truth. They say one’s feelings, not one’s DNA, determines gender.