False Moral Laws
Declaring good evil and evil good
False moral laws are declarations of moral good or evil at variance with God’s moral law. They declare good evil and evil good. Since any variance from God’s law is evil, all false moral laws are evil, without exception.
Though all false moral laws share a rejection of God’s law, together they don’t comprise a coherent, rational, non-contradictory whole because none is possible apart from God. Thus, though there are many false moral laws, there is no “false moral law” equivalent to “God’s moral law.”
The necessary purpose of false moral laws is to fill the void left when God’s moral law is rejected. The effectual purpose is to reject God and his glory. Accordingly, Satan uses false moral laws to maintain and advance his kingdom by dulling the lost’s consciences regarding sin, offer a false sense of righteousness and sanction and promote sin.
Moral laws regarding sexual activity are a good illustration. God’s law states that sex between a husband and wife is good (Gen. 2:24; 1 Cor. 7:3) and sex outside marriage is evil (Exod. 20:14; Mark 7:21; 1 Cor. 6:9). Rejecting these laws regarding sexual expression leaves a void that must be filled. People must have a sexual standard of conduct–the moral issue can’t be ignored.
That void is being filled today with false moral laws that declare the free expression of sexuality is good and constraints on sexual activities are evil. The Humanist Manifesto II states in a somewhat formal way what we see lived out and promoted in everyday society: “The many varieties of sexual exploration should not in themselves be considered ‘evil,'” and “Short of harming others or compelling them to do likewise, individuals should be permitted to express their sexual proclivities and pursue their lifestyles as they desire.”
Thus, the void is filled. But, the false moral laws don’t only fill the void with something different from God’s law–they fill it with laws that are contradictory to God’s laws and serve Satan’s kingdom. The wide promotion of the freedom of sexual expression dulls the lost’s consciences of sin. They, and we, if we aren’t guarded, see the promotion of sexual sin and think, “If everyone is for it, it can’t be too bad.” False moral laws help Satan hold the lost hostage.
Likewise, the ridicule and labeling of those with a Biblical view of sexuality as ignorant bigots gives the lost a false sense of righteousness. The lost declare themselves “good” and us “evil” because they are tolerant (supportive) of all forms of sexual expression, but we are intolerant (not supportive). In the same way they foment hatred of God, calling his word against free sexual expression hateful.
False sexual moral laws also sanction and promote sin. Based on false moral laws the cultural view of practicing homosexuality in America has gradually shifted from being a sin, to being something to be accepted without condemnation, to being a normal variation of sexual activity, to being something to be celebrated and encouraged.
With the Supreme Court’s false finding of the right to homosexual marriage within the Constitution we move into the next phase, using the full force of the government to not only silence all dissent but to require all to either positively affirm deviant lifestyles or risk loss of fortune, liberty, and life.
This exemplifies Paul’s description of the depths to which those who reject God fall, once he lets them go their own way. Not satisfied with their own sin, they promote sin to others:
Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. (Romans 1:32)