Men & Women are the Same

Men and Women are the same. So far we’ve seen three false laws based on the template that men and women are of equal value: Men are worth more than women, women are worth more than men, and androgynes are worth more than men or women. Satan doesn’t end at that. He makes another false law by deceptively conflating “equal value” with sameness or equal in all ways. “Men and women are of equal value” becomes “Men and women are the same.” I’ve already mentioned this lie as a technique Satan uses to discredit the differentiation of authority and roles…

Value of Men and Women

Men and Women are of equal value Satan doesn’t limit his deception regarding values and roles to marriage. He extends it into the society at large. He twists God’s clear and perfect principles regarding manhood and womanhood into a tangled self-contradictory web of deception, all for the purpose of furthering his kingdom and attempting to diminish the kingdom of God. Satan sows discord through false laws that either deny that men and women are of equal value or distort the meaning of “equal.” We’ll look at them in turn, beginning with false laws that deny that men and women are…


Marriage is important to God Knowing marriage’s importance in God’s eyes and its linkage with sexuality and the headship of the husband helps us see why Satan and the lost so passionately campaign against the sanctity of marriage, the husband’s authority, and sexual purity. By denying the truth about these things they’re able to mount a multifaceted attack on the core building block of society according to God’s design, the family. One of Satan’s goals is to grow his kingdom by deconstructing marriage and family. By denigrating marriage, including redefining it to include same sex couples, Satan sows disdain for…