Basis of False Moral Laws

False moral laws declare God’s Sovereignty I’ve said that any moral law at variance with God’s moral law is false and evil. This is a God centered definition that the lost reject, many adamantly. Consider the position of Secular Humanists. They deny the existence of God and declare any consideration of God or the things of God irrational. In that they are rational–if something is non-existent it warrants no consideration. But, Secular Humanists must have moral laws to fill the void. So, they need a basis for their laws. What is their basis? They say they look to human experience.…

False Moral Laws

Declaring good evil and evil good False moral laws are declarations of moral good or evil at variance with God’s moral law. They declare good evil and evil good. Since any variance from God’s law is evil, all false moral laws are evil, without exception. Though all false moral laws share a rejection of God’s law, together they don’t comprise a coherent, rational, non-contradictory whole because none is possible apart from God. Thus, though there are many false moral laws, there is no “false moral law” equivalent to “God’s moral law.” The necessary purpose of false moral laws is to…