Basis of False Moral Laws
False moral laws declare God’s Sovereignty
I’ve said that any moral law at variance with God’s moral law is false and evil. This is a God centered definition that the lost reject, many adamantly. Consider the position of Secular Humanists. They deny the existence of God and declare any consideration of God or the things of God irrational. In that they are rational–if something is non-existent it warrants no consideration.
But, Secular Humanists must have moral laws to fill the void. So, they need a basis for their laws. What is their basis? They say they look to human experience. As with the promotion of free sexual expression, the Humanist Manifesto II states in a stilted way the dominant view of our culture today:
“…that moral values derive their source from human experience. Ethics is autonomous and situational needing no theological or ideological sanction.”
The Secular Humanist admits no correlation between God’s moral law, which according to them doesn’t exist, and their moral laws (ethics). They specifically exclude theological sanction as having any legitimate bearing on ethics.
The majority of our fellow citizens hold this human centric view of moral values as experientially based, ill-defined, situational and without absolutes. A few, like the authors of the Humanist Manifesto, who are among the most ardent haters of God, have formally declared it. For most others, including the huge number who give little or no thought to their worldview, it’s simply an unexamined part of their spiritual deadness. It feeds their desire to be free to pursue their lusts.
Our unbelieving neighbors either explicitly or implicitly declare they have a moral code that is unrelated to God’s moral law.1That declaration is a lie. Man can no more create new moral laws than he can reverse gravity or create new physical laws. Like physical laws, moral law comes from God, is immutable, and is universally applicable. God has a monopoly on morality.
That creates a problem for the lost, those who hate God and reject his authority over their lives. They want their own moral scheme, apart from God’s. They want one that declares that their ways, not God’s ways, are righteous. Since God has already defined good and evil, right and wrong, the creation of a new moral scheme is out of the question, an impossible task. What are the lost and Satan to do?
They do the only thing they can do as creatures under God’s sovereign authority. Unable to change the law they impotently deny it and distort it. More specifically, they use it as a template to create a pretend moral code. They make an evil twin based on God’s law and say it’s based on human experience.
It’s a great irony and unwitting declaration of the sovereignty of God that the moral code of millions of Americans who deny the existence of God is rigidly based on his law. Every part of their moral code directly reflects their rebellion against God, not the wisdom of human experience. The more they push their perverted morals, the more obvious their futile but passionate hatred for him becomes.
Using God’s moral law as the basis for false moral laws is easy. Using God’s template Satan and the lost either simply reverse commandments, calling evil good and good evil or they distort the meaning of commandments, deceptively using them to promote evil.
The above illustration of false sexual moral laws is an example. God says sex between and husband and wife is good and sex outside that bond is bad. False moral laws say all sex is good and it is bad to censure non-marital sex. Let’s look at some more examples of the lost using God’s moral law as the template for their rebellious false moral laws. We’ll begin with the greatest commandment, to love God.
- To some degree those who follow organized religions based on false gods are an exception. For instance, the false god Allah, not human experience, is the titular authority behind Islamic false moral laws. Regardless, all such false laws ultimately contradict God’s law. Analysis of their false moral laws is beyond the scope of this project.